Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Reflections

I feel that I mark time by the holidays, particularly Thanksgiving. I think back to last year's Thanksgiving and see where I have come from. I ponder what next year's Thanksgiving will be like. Invariably, it surprises me. The twists and turns of life allow me to land in different places from one year to the next without any obviously pattern that I can see. However, I know the Universe has a larger view. One that makes perfect sense. One that makes a beautiful piece of music out of what sometimes sounds like a bunch random melodies.

Last year I was embarking upon a new branch of my business in hopes that would catapult me into entrpreneurial greatness. I was focused like a laser beam on my marketing campaign. My kids were fine, as far as I thought. My marriage was moving right along, although I was going to save my family with my business and become fabulously weathly, confident, admired, a leader, a supermom. Then after Thanksgiving, it all fell apart and I walked and sometimes crawled through my valley of darkness, finally emerging with a remembering about who I really am. Thank God for crisis.

Fast forward to this Thanksgiving. I continue to remember who I really am and then I forget and then remember again. I am balancing my family life and a new business life much better. I have childcare! I am focusing on what I have, and what I do, and most importantly, who I am, RIGHT NOW. I like what I see. I feel closer to my friends and see more love, compassion, and light from them than I ever have.

I feel like I get Thanksgiving more than I have before. That is a very exciting twist for me. If you are at a loss right now, try this. What is going on right now that you feel thanks for? Are you breathing? Do you have water? A bed? Food? Go back to the basics if you need. It is all around you, if you allow yourself to see it. Use what you have now as a springboard to new events, people, things that you want. But, you must be willing to see what you have now to get there.

Happy Thanksgiving and I thank you for being here.

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