Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Are We Always in Denial?

I recently read "Money, and the Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  It discusses the obvious money and Law of Attraction, but one of the big messages of the book is to look for what you want.  When I read that passage "always look for what you want", I thought that it seemed to be saying "Be in denial of reality".  My ego often plays with me while I'm reading something that might help me let go of the egoic mind...

I then realized that we are always in denial of reality in some way.  We are either looking for what we want OR we are looking for what we don't want.  For the vast majority, the later is more common than the former.  For instance, if I want more money in my life, I could look for ways that money in abundant in my life, or ways that it is scarce.  I could feel great about receiving money or getting something for free or getting more than I expected and focus on that OR I could completely dismiss it.  Then focus on how I should have received more money, that the free item was cheap anyway, and that getting more was fluke.  

What is reality anyway?  We think we have an objective hold on reality, but it is , after all, how we perceive it.  Reality, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.   It is based in our beliefs, our chronic thoughts and feelings.  Our programming determines what we perceive and what we perceive is our reality.  Knowing those rules of the game,  I could hold all perceptions as suspect.  All truths as nothing more than repeated thoughts.  All realities as nonsense.  

That's all well and good, but I want even more. I want to focus on the "good" and the "fun"and the "play".  It's much more appealing to me than the horrid slog ahead.  So, if I have to  be in denial, make it one that I can enjoy.  

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