Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Changing your Energy

Everything is energy. We are swimming in it, enveloped by it, eating and pooping it.  Maybe that's too much information, but in our house, we talk a lot about bodily functions, but I digress...

So we are constantly surrounded by our energy and the energy of others.  I have become more aware of the energy of others and I've noticed that I am sensitive to it.  I feel it and it affects me.  Today I was sitting in the waiting room of my daughter's speech therapist when another family walked in.  I felt immediately the difference in energy.  I was talking to my mom on the cell and felt really happy and calm and when they walked in I felt uneasy.  I finished the conversation quickly with my mom and chalked it up to a courtesy issue- no one needs to hear my conversation with mom.  Then after I hung up I realized that it was more than that.  This family had such a contrasting energy that I felt I needed to really be alert to my own energy.

After an attempt or two in interacting with them and getting little or no response- they seemed very tense and nervous, I decided to close my eyes and breath and get centered into my own peacefulness.  At first, I made it about trying to change their energy- sending them peace, love, the message that it's going to be OK.  Then the realization came that my only responsibility and business is my own energy.  I went into a nice space of peace and relaxation while still being alert in the room.  

Shortly I noticed the tense easing just a little.  The husband was still tense, but the wife was more relaxed and the child was enjoying himself with the playroom.   I think the energy did change in that room just a little.  It helped that my daughter was finishing up her session and it also helped that I stopped interacting with them.  But no small part was my focus on my own energy instead of their energy.  It was reminder that I can't change others- only myself and my perceptions.  Then the whole world changes at my feet.

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