Monday, March 16, 2009

The Power of Vision

Our family, (my husband, three kids, and I), just returned from Walt Disney World this weekend and I was so excited to reflect upon this trip here today. The excitement was due in part to the unanticipated thoughts and feelings I had while making the trek from car, to tram, to monorail, to Magic Kingdom. I was giddy and teary-eyed as my daughters and I spotted Cinderella's castle in the distance, the music swelled, and we noticed Mickey Mouse ear confetti on the ground. Here I am, almost 43 years old, and I could feel the magic of the place. (No, I don't work for Disney!)

The biggest recurring thought I had was about Walt Disney himself. He was a man with a vision. His vision was so clear and strong and passionate that it inspired hundreds and thousands to help him manifest this vision into the physical world. And here we were, so many years later, witnessing his creation. Just Magic Kingdom alone must be the size of 4 or 5 amusement parks. After three days of exploring it, we still did not see everything.

An accompanying thought was about the Disney characters and parade at 3 pm every afternoon. The parade displays many of the Disney characters on floats, with dancers sandwiched in between. All smiling and sweating and smiling some more. Everyone stays in character without fault. The kids are mesmerized and adults impressed. Once again the music made a huge impact because it called forth Walt Disney's "Secret" to his power. The song was about celebrating the dream come true, celebrate yourself, and that anything is possible.

I know it sounds hokey, but that is the central message to manifesting what you want. You must celebrate yourself and all your passions, desires, talents. You must celebrate your existence and that you are here to feel the joy and expansion of yourself. And if you want to manifest your desires, you must believe that your dreams will come true and that anything is possible- IF you believe it. When you feel good and you believe in your dream, the Universe- through people, events, ideas and so on- will bring to you what is needed for the dream to become alive. Yes, action is necessary part of this formula, but if you have a shaky belief, results are mixed at best.

For me, that was the magic of Disney. This magic that he subtly but directly was letting us in on. The formula for how he did it all. And, in that moment, I realized how a large part of my dream was coming true. My dream to remind my children about their own power of vision of their dreams in a world that often resists this power as childish.

It also rekindled my hope in my dream for my life- Yes, I am on the right track. Yes, if I keep the dream alive, so many people and events will come into my life to help me manifest it all. Within 48 hours of my return, I had one of my articles published and waiting for me in my pile of mail and a musician call me to coordinate the music for my CD of Guided Meditations. Amazing!

Have you celebrated yourself today? Have you seen the power of your vision? Can you believe in your dreams long enough so that others can be inspired as well and help you? If one man can build an empire of film, music, toys, theme parks, television and more, could you believe that you can see your dream come true? The world is waiting just for you...

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