Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Passing It On...

Yesterday was an extraordinarily flowing day.  I was fairly well rested and despite our babysitter have a nasty sinus infection and needing a day in bed, I was able to do some work and spend time with the kids.   This was a good lesson for me as well because I had started to think that I could do nothing without her!   

I took my youngest daughter to her usual weekly therapy appointment in a neighboring town.  The session went really well and I was blown away by her progress- this usually is accompanied by some tears of joy.  The therapist and I were all revved up with excitement about her recent accomplishments.  

My daughter and I departed with her usual request for a treat and even though she had a treat before, I was so happy about her success that I waived the "one treat per meal" rule and off we went.  In the back of mind was the notion of our parking situation.  A little far off from where we were venturing and with meter probably expired.  I didn't really care.  

As we rounded the corner, I saw a woman in the distance at our car.  She was standing and writing..not a good sign.  How should I approach her?  I had heard that meter readers can be pretty rigid about things like this.  No mercy.  

I decided that since everything went so smoothly today that I wasn't really concerned about the outcome, but I'd get there quickly and ask "is it too late?"  She looked at me and my daughter who was decked out in her daily uniform of 3 dresses, a fancy vest, a belt and crown, and said "Oh, never mind..."  She started walking away.  I was so thankful that  I asked if she wanted a spare "munchkin".  "No, but thanks for the offer." 

I was a little shocked...I had never heard of a parking ticket being nixed by just showing up.  I was pondering this as I drove out of the town.   Was is possible that my energy was so high from all the flowing of my day that she just changed her mind?  Was it that my kid looked too cute for her to have a conflict with me over a ticket?  Is she like that with every late parker?

She wouldn't take a munchkin, so maybe I need to pass this kindness along.  Pass on the kindness of a second chance or a needed break.  I started to look around my family and see where I could give someone a break.  There were lots of opportunities.  Some I took and others, not so. The event continues to give to me in that when ever I start a little negativity, I  think about a parking ticket that I didn't get because someone decided to give me another chance.
So, then I thought that I'd throw out the kindness into cyberspace and ask that you pass this kindness on as well.  Give someone a break, a second chance, don't take it personally or too seriously.  Keep the kindness flowing...or have a munchkin.

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