Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Getting Distracted by What Goes "Wrong"

Today someone emailed me requesting that she be taken off my e-list.  I had started a daily messages service to my database. Just  messages that I had written to myself, stuff I needed to remember to stay connected to Source.  I thought it  may be helpful to others as well.   Apparently, for this woman, it was not the case.  Her email was not nasty or hurtful and yet I let it haunt me for the morning.  "Maybe this is not a good idea.  Maybe other people are also annoyed to get a daily message that they never requested.  Maybe I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe I am not helping anyone...." the thoughts go on.  This  kind of thinking may sound familiar to you.

The problem was not the email or the person who wrote it.  It was my thinking and feeling about it.  I made the email a judgment of me and my work.  The judgment came from me.  Let me write that again, so that we can fully get that.  The judgment came from me.  

I had spun a whole tale around this email about a judgment I had been holding onto about myself.  Now, this is good because it allowed me to see the judgment for what it was.  A story I was telling myself.   I have the opportunity to look at that more closely and let it go for something more in line with who I really am.

And now, I can move on.  Sometimes this can take a little time, some breathing, exploration. But, I will move on to the next moment where I can manifest who I really am and see the greatness in that.  I have let go of some of the limits I put on myself when I hold on to judgment of myself or others.  

I challenge you to look more closely the next time something goes "wrong".  What are the facts of the event (aka no interpretations, assumptions, drama, judgment)?   It probably doesn't sound so terrible now, right?  Look at the interpretations, drama, judgment you had added that made it seems worse than it was.  Can you see how that comes from you?  What's the lesson here?  What did you learn about yourself?  Can you start to move on from it?  If not, explore what is stopping you.  Remember that not forgiving yourself and others limits you- and you are meant to be limitless.

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