Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Having No Plan

Throughout my life I have had many people tell me that I need a plan to succeed.  And so, I would immediately write out a plan with much detail and get overwhelmed with the enormity of it and put it aside.  No one that I remember ever told me to not have a plan, until recently.  

I was reading a newsletter from Ray Dodd about how to create more financial wealth.  His teachings are based on the "Power of Belief"-- that what we believe is not only instrumental in what we will have in the future, it is the basis of who we are and what we have now.  He was talking about how people often trying to control things when they are attempting to get what they want.  They get focussed on the "how" of it.  Often people won't even dare to dream about something because they don't know how they would ever have it.

He doesn't say, don't have goals or don't write down ideas of what you want or a simple plan, but he does emphasize that if you start worrying about the "how"s of a plan, you actually limit the possibilities.  The Universe gets you what you want based on what you believe in the most efficient way so if you only believe something can happen in a certain way, you limit the speed and ways you could receive it.

Case in point: My daughter needed an evaluation which costs $500 and I was thinking "Wow, that's a lot of money! This may really make things tight for us this month."  Then I decided I was not going to worry about the money and it would be fine no matter what.  Within a few days, I realized that a check I wrote for a program for the same daughter was given back to me since there was no room for her.  As I tore up the used check, I looked down and realized that it was for, you guessed it, $500.  So the money came from one place and went to another- pretty easy, eh?  

Now, I love this way of thinking.  It used to stress me out that I didn't feel like I controlled how things happened.  But, I never it.  I let myself get stressed by circumstances instead of staying in a peaceful state no matter what and trusting that things would work out- now that is control!  I am learning to trust more that I will get what I want- based on the premise that it will be OK even if it doesn't show up the way I expect. For me, when I remember to trust, it is like opening a present again and again.

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