Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How a 5 year old uses the Law of Attraction!

So, we just, I mean, just finished cleaning up after my daughter's 5 th birthday party. It was a big kiddie party for us. About 20 kids, lots of cupcakes, running around, jewelry making, and conversation. The weather totally came through and we had just enough sun and then the rains came after the last kid departed.

For me, the most amazing stuff happened way before the party. For the past few weeks, I have witnessed my daughter totally in flow with the Law of Attraction. Using it to manifest exactly what she wanted for her party, her gifts, her experience. She has really inspired me with her innate ability (we are all born to do this!) to have desires, feel good about them, draw and write about them, put them up to look at them, be grateful for them and then, let it all go knowing that it will all come to her.

I watched her, day after day, week after week, tell me what she wanted for her birthday, draw picture after picture, label all the pictures with her best "bubble letters", put her pictures on the wall. She even drew herself accepting gifts and then wearing the gifts.

I loved watching her get excited about the idea of getting and enjoying these items. But, what really blew me away was her faith that it was all coming and that she'd be fine no matter what.

I asked her what she was grateful for and immediately she started naming these gifts about which she has been wishing to possess. I asked her how she could be grateful since she has not received them. "But, I will get them, Mom" she replied matter-of-factly. And then her sister chimed in, "And if you don't get them for your birthday, you'll get them at Christmas, right?" My daughter nodded, as if to say, "Mom, that's the way it works. Don' t you know?"

Wow! I was blown away by how strong this knowing is. The knowing that we are born to be happy and joyful. The knowing that we can have faith that our desires will be manifested sooner or later and so we can relax and be at peace. That we can be grateful before we receive knowing that it will happen, if we believe.

At the party today, she received 4 of the 6 or 7 items on her list. She was thrilled. There was no disappointment that things were not exactly matched. She was also equally thrilled by the gifts that were not on her list. She kept saying "This was the best birthday party I ever had!" all through the morning.

I thank my daughter for showing me and reminding me how it's done. Know your desires, write them down, visualize them, put them up on the wall to remind you, have faith in their eventual appearance, and let go. 'Cause it's really not about the stuff, it's about the wisdom that we are abundant, have the power to call forth what we desire, and that, no matter what, we are Divinely complete and whole.

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