Thursday, June 4, 2009

Celebrate Before the Party

I had planned a while ago to have a book signing party for my new book. I wanted to announce the book to the world, thank people who had helped, and take note of my accomplishment. This was all good.

Still, I felt that I wanted to celebrate in a more personal way apart from the party. I wanted to celebrate with myself that I had not only written a book, but had grown so much in the process. I had changed and stretched. I had gone out of my comfort zone quite a bit. I had faced limiting beliefs and revised them.

I have been seeing a healer for a few months and when I presented this dilemma of how to celebrate before the party, she had a recommendation.

She led me through some guided imagery where I watched my process of creating this book from the beginning. Then when I had the book in my hand, the manifestation of my desires, I was to celebrate.

I ended up with a few close friends in my backyard just talking in this scene. Then she had me congratulate myself. In this guided imagery, I was hugging myself. I was whispering messages of love and congratulations to myself. I was affirming myself.

It was very intense.

After the imagery was done. I felt complete. I felt that I had done the real celebration already.

Now I could have the party with no other expectation of just having fun and feel at peace. It did not have to fill any requirement for me.

And that is exactly what happened. I felt really relaxed, at peace, and abundant. Guests arrived with great energy feeling the same way. There was a lot of mingling and signing of books. There were at least 20 children at the party and everyone got along well.

So, here's something to consider: The next time you feel you need to get something from an experience, see if you can give it to yourself first. If you need some love, give it to yourself first. If you need encouragement, give it to yourself first. Imagine that you are sitting with yourself and telling yourself the message that you feel you need from others. Embrace yourself. Love yourself. Let me know what happens....

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