Friday, February 13, 2009

The Power of Love

I was watching my kids today. They were playing, eating Valentine's candy and to my surprise, actually sharing their candy with their siblings. It was good to see. My oldest had been looking forward to Valentine's Day for a while and it wasn't for the candy. It was for the love. She loves giving cards about love and of course, receiving them as well. She is open and generous with her love. My middle daughter loves to give kisses and squeezes and is always up for being carried around like a princess who is going off with her prince. My youngest, a son, is in constant state of "love me". He also gives kisses and hugs and asks for them often. That is the foundation of their life. It is the root of their survival. Giving and asking for love.

That is the power of love. Without it, we can cease to exist in this physical form or live a life where we feel dead. With it, we will not only live, but we thrive and blossom. In fact, love can change the planet. When just one person expresses and feels love, it has a ripple effect that can raise the vibration worldwide. It is our choice to add love to this world or to add fear.

Despite the crises that our world is facing, there is an increasing number of people awakening to this idea that love is powerful and that the solution to our challenges comes from love and not fear. Our fear-based thinking is limited at best, self-destructive at its worst.

How do you love more? Choose to love yourself first. Choose to have the best, more inspired idea of yourself, forgive everything else, and do the same for others. Choose to see people not as their roles, beliefs, politics, religion, jobs, spouses, friends or children, but as who they really are. They are waiting for love to show them to themselves.

Not clear about this notion of love? Think of the kindest thought you could have for yourself right now. Now even kinder...I know you can do it. That is evidence of self-love. Now, have that kind thought for another person. A thought that a really loving parent would have for their child. More evidence of love and loving. As you choose these loving thoughts more and more, see what happens in the next hour, day, week. See the power of love in your life.

If you get a chance, check out this music video!

7 min - Mar 28, 2007 -

Rated 4.9 out of 5.0

A choice for humanity, Love or Fear. What do you choose?

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